Tuomas Linna, mulliks mulliks
Forum Box, Helsinki
24.5. — 16.6.2024
I dance for joy at the beginning of a new life in Aisha Khalid’s garden that is about to flourish, in the footsteps of Richard Long. I build a cradle out of our bed. I am watching power lines and the birds sitting on them with my child, I start composing a lullaby, inspired by Benjamin Patterson’s Ants. I roll the matchbox cars of my childhood down a track I built and I count every question I hear, as Stanley Brouwn counted steps.

The exhibition has been supported by Arts Promotion Centre Finland.

Thank you:

Espoo City Garden
Koiviston Auto Oy / HSL
List of works:

Photograph, 40 × 50 cm (frame) 

Ink on paper, 30 × 40 cm (frame), 2 pcs 

3. Birds, 2024

Birds, 2020– 22 
Sound, 14 minutes 8 seconds 

Act 8 (17.7.2021 13 min 50 sec), bar 11, 2024 
Photograph, 32 × 40 cm (frame), 16 pcs 


4. Distance Piece, 2024 
Pigment print, 54 × 72 cm (+frame), 3 pcs

010/021 (Bianco) 
011/021 (Violetto) 
017/021 (Nero) 

Artists book, 14 × 14 cm, 128 pages 

Bus seat 

x. Artists books, 2022–24 

Birds, 2022 
15,0 × 11,0 cm, 32 pages 

Distance Piece, 2024 
20,3 × 25,4 cm, 176 pages