Every little thing, 2020
Scale model with party-light, 25x12x15 cm

Taiteilijanero pantuaan miestaiteilijaa, 2020
Photography, 21x29,7 cm (frame)

Everlasting fortune, 2020
Oak branch, 10,5x14,8 cm (frame)
I planted an oak tree with my parents in the 1990s. The oak is a holy tree to us Finnish people. In the Kalevala, the national epic of Finland it is written: Whoever took a branch from it, took everlasting fortune.
I framed the everlasting fortune.

Small piece of paradise, 2020
Four-leaf clover, 14,8x21 cm (frame)

Photography, 59,4x84,1 cm (frame)

Bird that shat on me, bird that shat on us, 2020
Photography, 21x29,7 cm (frame) each

He who has luck, he should hide his luck, 2018
100 markka note and 100 euro note, 29,7x42 cm (frame) each
I was a 12-years old when I found a purse and credit card. I took the card for safe-keeping. One week later I received an envelope containing one hundred finnish marks. It was a reward for my honesty. Proudly, I told my friends about this. One of them announced that I had found the purse he had previously stolen. I retained the money and my bad conscience in an envelope.
20 years later, I found a one hundred euro note in the giardini of the Venice Biennial. I carried my bad conscience in my pocket.
I framed the notes I had hidden away in 1997 and 2017.

Deputy museum director
Nelimarkka-Museum, Regional Art Museum of Southern Ostrobothnia
Variable media, variable size